SPRUJ28E November 2021 – September 2024 AM68 , AM68A , TDA4AL-Q1 , TDA4VE-Q1 , TDA4VL-Q1
The command mode is enabled on the SDI interface. This is controlled using the register mctl_main_en. Other settings can be set using the registers: mctl_main_data_ctrl (to decide about TE usage, read enable...); and cmd_mode_ctl (Virtual Channel of the command packets, arbitration between requests of the two interfaces, possibility to use LPDT, TE timer programming and padding value in case of an error).
When programming Direct READ commands, a BTA request is sent automatically following the read transmission, for the peripheral to respond – it is therefore not necessary to explicitly send a BTA request at that time. The system must allow the BTA request to be completed and the bus returned to the host before issuing any new read or write command. The system must either: poll the read_completed (and read_completed_with_err) status bits; or, wait for an interrupt caused by these bits before issuing any new command.
When programming Direct WRITE commands, it is advisable to ensure that each transaction can complete successfully before moving on to a subsequent command. There are two recommended methods to achieve this, either: explicitly request a BTA between write transactions while checking for the associated interrupt or polling the appropriate status flag (this method also provides the added security of an ACK response from the peripheral); or allowing a gap between commands sufficient to allow completion of the first before commencing with the second. The recommended approximate gap time required to ensure that all commands complete successfully is equivalent to 100 TX ESC byte periods. If required (for instance, to minimize the start-up time), it is also possible to calculate the minimum delay time required for each transaction, based on the TX escape clock frequency used in the application and the length of each command (no active video transmission should be enabled at the time – a typical use case would be peripheral parameter configuration). As with read operations, any write operation followed by an explicit BTA request must allow the BTA to be completed and the bus returned to the host before issuing any new read or write command.
For single parameter commands, the upper bytes of the 32-bit value written to the Direct Command write data register (direct_cmd_wrdat) should be masked to zero to comply with the DSI specification requirement that unused parameter locations are set to zero. For zero parameter writes, assuming there have been previous write commands sent, it is necessary to clear the sending path FIFO by writing to the direct_cmd_fifo_rst register to clear the data path, then write a zero value to the direct_cmd_wrdat register to send the zero parameter write command.
Note: Failure to follow these procedures may result in non-zero data in the unused parameter locations; this may or may not affect the peripheral, however it is recommended to use the process described to ensure compliance with the DSI specification in this regard.
If STOP mode is forced during a command mode read or write transaction, all outstanding transactions should be considered lost and all status and error flags should be disregarded and cleared. Similarly, if an LPDT read data operation is stopped by writing to the STOP_READ_OPERATION field of the DIRECT_CMD_RD_INIT register, the status for the aborted read operation should be disregarded and cleared before resuming normal operation.