SPRUJ28E November 2021 – September 2024 AM68 , AM68A , TDA4AL-Q1 , TDA4VE-Q1 , TDA4VL-Q1
The TXx_EMPTY event is activated when a channel is enabled and its MCSPI_TX_0/1/2/3 register is empty. Enabling the channel automatically raises this event. If the FIFO buffer is enabled (the MCSPI_CHCONF_0/1/2/3[27] FFEW bit is set to 1), the TXx_EMPTY event is asserted as soon as there is enough space in buffer to write a number of bytes defined by the MCSPI_XFERLEVEL[5-0] AEL bit field.
The MCSPI_TX_0/1/2/3 register must be loaded with data to remove the source of the interrupt; the MCSPI_IRQSTATUS TXx_EMPTY interrupt status bit must be cleared for interrupt line deassertion (if the event is enabled as the interrupt source).
When FIFO is enabled, no new TXx_EMPTY event is asserted as long as the processor has not performed the number of writes into the MCSPI_TX_0/1/2/3 register defined by MCSPI_XFERLEVEL[5-0] AEL bit field. The processor must perform the correct number of writes.