SPRUJ28E November 2021 – September 2024 AM68 , AM68A , TDA4AL-Q1 , TDA4VE-Q1 , TDA4VL-Q1
The R5F is a 32-bit processor, which means it can only access 4GB of directly addressable memory. The SoC is a 64-bit virtual (48-bit physical) address system. The R5FSS integrates a standard region-based address translation (RAT) unit (per core) to allow some of its address space to be remapped into the 64-bit world.
The RAT has 16 regions, with each region having dedicated MMRs that define its attributes:
Regions can have any base address and size, as long as the base address is size aligned. The maximum region size is 4GB.
The RAT does not provide any logic for checking if base address is size aligned, so it is software's responsibility to ensure that. Regions that are not aligned may have unpredictable results.