SPRUJ79 November 2024 F29H850TU
SECCFG sectors are a portion of Flash memory designated for storing the SSU user configuration, or User Protection Policy (UPP). The following rules apply to SECCFG sectors:
Table 10-1 shows the mapping of SECCFG sectors to CPU addresses. Each CPU has an active SECCFG start address, and an alternate (reserve) SECCFG start address. Reserve SECCFG sectors are used for Flash updates, and are swapped with the active sector (together with all other bank sectors) when the firmware update process is complete. The locations of these addresses in the CPU memory map depend on the active settings in the BANKMODE and BANKMAP registers. The SECVALID register, in combination with the BANKMODE register, defines which address holds the valid SECCFG information for a CPU pair. The CPUxSWAP fields in the BANKMAP register specify which bank contains this information; however, the address range does not change even if CPUxSWAP changes.
The values of BANKMODE and BANKMAP in the Flash BANKMGMT sectors are automatically loaded into the SSU registers at boot time. After determining the active SECCFG sector, the device then loads the User Protection Policy from the active SECCFG sector into the SSU registers.
Table 10-2 shows a map of the SECCFG sector contents as mapped to SSU registers.