SPRUJ79 November 2024 F29H850TU
If the index event occurs during the forward movement, then the position counter is reset to 0 on the next eQEP clock. If the index event occurs during the reverse movement, then the position counter is reset to the value in the QPOSMAX register on the next eQEP clock.
The first index marker is defined as the quadrature edge following the first index edge. The eQEP peripheral records the occurrence of the first index marker (QEPSTS[FIMF]) and direction on the first index event marker (QEPSTS[FIDF]) in QEPSTS registers, the eQEP peripheral also remembers the quadrature edge on the first index marker so that same relative quadrature transition is used for index event reset operation.
For example, if the first reset operation occurs on the falling edge of QEPB during the forward direction, then all the subsequent reset must be aligned with the falling edge of QEPB for the forward rotation and on the rising edge of QEPB for the reverse rotation as shown in Figure 31-9.
The position-counter value is latched to the QPOSILAT register and direction information is recorded in the QEPSTS[QDLF] bit on every index event marker. The position-counter error flag (QEPSTS[PCEF]) and error interrupt flag (QFLG[PCE]) are set if the latched value is not equal to 0 or QPOSMAX. The position-counter error flag (QEPSTS[PCEF]) is updated on every index event marker and an interrupt flag (QFLG[PCE]) is set on error that can be cleared only through software.
The index event latch configuration QEPCTL[IEL] must be configured to 00 or 11 when pcrm = 0 and the position counter error flag/interrupt flag are generated only in index event reset mode. The position counter value is latched into the IPOSLAT register on every index marker.