SPRUJ79 November 2024 F29H850TU
Figure 14-8 shows the EMIF's external pins used in interfacing with an asynchronous device. In EM1CS[n], n = 2, 3, or 4.
Of special note is the connection between the EMIF and the external device's address bus. The EMIF address pin EM1A[0] always provides the least-significant bit of a 32-bit word address. Therefore, when interfacing to a 16-bit or 8-bit asynchronous device, the EM1BA[1] and EM1BA[0] pins provide the least-significant bits of the halfword or byte address, respectively. Figure 14-9 and Figure 14-10 show the mapping between the EMIF and the connected device's data and address pins for various programmed data bus widths. The data bus width can be configured in the asynchronous n configuration register (ASYNC_CSn_CR).
Figure 14-10 shows an interface between the EMIF and an external memory with byte enables. The EMIF must be operated in either normal mode or select strobe mode when using this interface, so that the EM1DQM signals operate as byte enables.