SPRUJ79 November 2024 F29H850TU
The resolution of the ADC determines how finely the analog range is quantized into digital values. Each ADC module supports 12-bit resolution, with configurable 16-bit resolution available on ADC-A and ADC-B. Refer to the device data sheet for a description of available ADC modules and supported resolutions.
The resolution can be configured by using either the AdcSetMode() or ADC_setMode() functions, depending on the header files used, provided in C2000ware. These functions make sure that the correct trim is loaded into the ADC trim registers, and must be called at least once after a device reset. Do not configure the resolution by directly writing to the ADCCTL2 register.
The resolution can be changed at any time when the ADC is idle (no active or pending SOCs). No wait time is necessary after changing the resolution before conversions can be initiated. If SOCs are active or pending when the resolution is changed, those SOCs can produce incorrect conversion results.