Once the ePWM has been configured to
provide conventional PWM of a given frequency, polarity, and dead band enabled in
half-cycle clocking mode, the high-resolution operation on dead band RED and FED
lines are enabled by programming the HRCNFG2 register in that particular ePWM module
register space. This register provides the following configuration options:
Edge Mode
The MEP can be programmed to provide precise position control on the
dead band rising edge (RED), dead band falling edge (FED), or both edges
(rising edge of DBRED signal and falling edge of DBFED signal) at the
same time.
Control Mode
Selects the time event that loads the shadow value in the active
register for DBRED and DBFED in high-resolution mode. Select the pulse
to match the selection in the ePWM DBCTL[LOADREDMODE] and