On the first initialization or after a module
reset due to an underrun condition, the transmitter module executes the following
initialization sequence to start or resume transmit operations.
- Initialize the transmitter clock by setting
TX_CLK_CTRL.CLK_RST to 1 and subsequently clearing the bit.
- Set the clock to the transmitter core to PLLRAWCLK by setting TX_OPER_CTRL_LO.SEL_PLLCLK to 1.
- Set the clock prescaler value to the desired rate by writing to TX_CLK_CTRL.PRESCALE_VAL.
- Enable the transmitter clock divider by setting TX_CLK_CTRL.CLK_EN to 1.
- Assert the transmitter module soft reset by
writing 0xA501 to TX_MAIN_CTRL.
- Wait four TXCLK cycles.
- Release the transmitter core from reset by
writing 0xA500 to TX_MAIN_CTRL.
After initialization and configuration, the
transmitter module synchronizes with the receiver module before transmitting. The
synchronization sequence is described in Section 36.4.1.
CAUTION: Do not change
TX_CLK_CTRL.PRESCALE_VAL while the clock is enabled (TX_CLK_CTRL.CLK_EN = 1). Doing
so can cause undefined behavior.