The I2C module has the following features:
- Compliance with the NXP Semiconductors I2C bus
specification (version 2.1):
- Support for 8-bit format transfers
- 7-bit and 10-bit addressing modes
- General call
- START byte mode
- Support for multiple controller-transmitters and target-receivers
- Support for multiple target-transmitters and controller-receivers
- Combined controller transmit/receive and receive/transmit
- Data transfer rate from 10kbps up to 400kbps
- Extended Automatic Clock Stretching and Manual Clock Stretching modes
- Receive FIFO and Transmitter FIFO (16-deep x
8-bit FIFO)
- Supports two Interrupt Controller interrupts:
- I2Cx Interrupt – Any of the following events can be configured to generate an
I2Cx interrupt:
- Transmit-data ready
- Receive-data ready
- Register-access ready
- No-acknowledgment received
- Arbitration lost
- Stop condition detected
- Addressed as target
- Extended Automatic Clock Stretch
- I2Cx_FIFO interrupts:
- Transmit FIFO interrupt
- Receive FIFO interrupt
- Module enable and disable
- Free data format mode