SPRUJB8 April 2024
Returns information about this compile of the Flash API
Fapi_LibraryInfoType Fapi_getLibraryInfo(void)
This function returns information specific to the compile of the Flash API library. The information is returned in a struct Fapi_LibraryInfoType. The members are as follows:
u8ApiMajorVersion – Major version number of this compile of the API. This value is 3.
u8ApiMinorVersion – Minor version number of this compile of the API. Minor version is 00 for F28P65x devices.
u8ApiRevision – Revision version number of this compile of the API.
oApiProductionStatus – Production status of this compile (Alpha_Internal, Alpha, Beta_Internal, Beta, Production).
u32ApiBuildNumber – Build number of this compile.
u8ApiTechnologyType – Indicates the Flash technology supported by the API. This field returns a value of 0x5.
u8ApiTechnologyRevision – Indicates the revision of the technology supported by the API
u8ApiEndianness – This field always returns as 1 (Little Endian) for F28P65x devices.
u32ApiCompilerVersion – Version number of the Code Composer Studio code generation tools used to compile the API
Fapi_LibraryInfoType (gives the information retrieved about this compile of the API)