The following API files are
distributed in the C2000Ware\libraries\flash_api\F28P65x\ folder:
- Library Files
- TMS320F28P65x Flash API
is NOT embedded into the Boot ROM of this device, it is wholly software.
The software libraries provided are in EABI elf
(FAPI_F28P65x_EABI_v3.00.02.lib) and COFF
(FAPI_F28P65x_COFF_v3.00.02.lib) object formats. In order for the
application to be able to erase or program the Flash/OTP, one of these
two library files should be included in the application, depending on
the output object format the application is using.
- FAPI_F28P65x_EABI_v3.00.02.lib –
This is the Flash API EABI elf object format library (FPU32 flag enabled for
build) for TMS320F28P65x devices.
- FAPI_F28P65x_COFF_v3.00.02.lib –
This is the Flash API COFF object format library (FPU32 flag enabled for build)
for TMS320F28P65x devices.
- Fixed point version of the API
library is not provided.
- Include Files:
- FlashTech_F28P65x_C28x.h
– The master include file for TMS320F28P65x devices. This file sets up
compile specific defines and then includes the FlashTech.h master
include file.
- hw_flash_command.h –
Definitions of the flash write/erase protection registers
- The following include files
should not be included directly by the user’s code, but are listed here for user
- FlashTech.h – This
include file lists all public API functions and includes all other
include files.
- Registers.h – Definitions
common to all register implementations and includes the appropriate
register include file for the selected device type.
- Registers_C28x.h – Containts Little Endian and Flash memory controller
registers structure.
- Types.h – Contains all
the enumerations and structures used by the API.
- Constants/F28P65x.h –
Constant definitions for F28P65x devices.