SPRUJD8 June 2024
The hardware design files are combined to a single package and available for download at Design Files. The package file can contain multiple EVM board revisions (directories). The naming convention is as follows for PROCxyzEwq_RP where:
- PROC: Indicates TI's Processor Product.
- xyz: Unique ID for this Evaluation Board (example is '170' for this design).
- E: E indicates Pre-Production, blank for Production.
- wq: Indicates Revision (w - Major, blank/q - Minor).
- _RP: Release Package Notation.
Example (oldest to latest revision):
PROC184E1A: Pre-Production, version '1A'
PROC184E2: Pre-Production, Version '2'.
PROC184A: Production, Version 'A'.
See schematic history/change log for complete list of changes for each revision.