SPRUJD8 June 2024
The PCB design and manufacturing information is available in several different file formats. Below is a list of PCB files included in the design package available for download at Design Files.
File Type (Extension) | Description |
Design file (*_BRD.ZIP) | Allegro PCB design file/zip |
Design file (*_ODBGRB.ZIP) | Design file exported to ODB++/Zip |
Design file extract (ALG) | For import into other design tools |
Fabrication drawing (*_FAB.PDF) | Fabrication info in viewable format |
Manufacturing file (_274XGBR.ZIP) | Gerber data, RS-274/ZIP |
Manufacturing file (*_STL.ZIP) | Gerber data, STL/Zip |
Manufacturing file (*_BRD.IPC) | IPC-D 465 Gerber data supplement |
Layers drawing (*_LAYERS.PDF) | Viewable images of each PCB Layer |
Stack-up (*_STACKUP.PDF) | PCB Stack-up from PCB manufacturer |