SSZTAT3 october   2016 CC1310 , CC2640 , CC2650


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We say that using our parts should be easy, but the reality is that each new generation of wireless chipsets are increasingly feature-rich and thus somewhat goes against the goal of a simple RF solution. With the latest generation of SimpleLink™ devices such as CC2640 and CC1310 wireless microcontrollers (MCUs), this is even more so as they feature multiple MCU cores, support multiple physical RF standards and novel peripherals which have the potential to both save power and increase functionality of an end product.  How is that supposed to be simple?


Introducing SimpleLink Academy. The academy currently consist of a single software download which installs on top of Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE), in addition to select videos which either explain basic concepts or walk you through one of the academy labs. Each lab contains pre-requisites with materials you should read or complete before the course, required software downloads and hardware, like the SimpleLink™ multi-standard CC2650 LaunchPad™ development kit, the SimpleLink SensorTag demo kit or the SimpleLink Bluetooth® low energy CC2650 module BoosterPack™ plug-in module.  The lab is then divided into tasks and includes knowledge quizzes at the end of the sections. The goal of each lab is that you learn the basic concepts at your own pace and hopefully have some fun along the way! The SimpleLink Academy labs are the result of iterations of live trainings given by our field applications team, so the trainings are made by engineers for engineers. We hope you enjoy them:

GUID-6801481A-8A11-41FB-9F43-04677ED1BA20-low.png Figure 1 Example of what you will see in SimpleLink Academy

Initially we have released academy labs on following topics:

  • RTOS concepts
  • Bluetooth low energy fundamentals
  • How to create your custom Bluetooth low energy profile
  • How to use the simple Bluetooth 4.2 network processor
  • How to use TI RTOS to send and receive basic RF packets with SimpleLink Sub-1 GHz CC1310 wireless MCU
  • How to build a star topology wireless sensor network with TI-RTOS
  • How to use serial AT commands to send and receive proprietary RF data
  • How to read serial data from a light sensor with sensor controller

More topics will be coming in the coming months as we have new labs to present. Also, feel free to request topics in the comment field of this blog!

From the TI Wireless Connectivity field applications team

Overview and download of SimpleLink Academy is found here.