Allie Hopkins, TI and Sagar Sen, Research Scientist, Simula Research Laboratory
Have you ever wondered how it is to glide on water fading away into the sunset? Think about applying minimal effort in a rowing shell (boat) and letting the landscape pass by in your peripheral vision conjuring up sensations of freedom and mental clarity.
Rowing is the most efficient human powered geste on water that aims to achieve this sensation. Sweetzpot is a project that aims to aggregate high quality data from the physical world using sensors to give feedback to a rower about the elusive sensation of a perfect stroke.
Sweetzpot is a mobile application that aggregates data from several sources to guide a rower towards the perfect stroke:
The data garnered from all the sensors is presented in a mobile user interface to help a rower focus on his/her weak points which could be a short stroke or lack of balance to name a few. We hope that Sweetspot’s computation will give the rower the right feedback to attain perfection in the art of making a perfect stroke.
Sweetzpot Team (in alphabetical order)