SWCU191 February 2022 CC1311P3 , CC1311R3 , CC2651P3 , CC2651R3 , CC2651R3SIPA
The prescaler can function as a pulse counter when it is not used as event prescaler for TDC start events and stop events.
To initialize the prescaler for the purpose of pulse counting, use the sequence that follows:
Set AUX_TDC:PRECTL.RESET_N to 1 to enable the prescaler for pulse counting.
The prescaler now requires three or four event pulses before it starts to count. The number of required pulses is dependent on the timing between reset release and event pulse arrival, as shown in Figure 20-11.
If the event pulse is inactive at the time of reset release, the counter starts to increment at the fourth event pulse. Hence, the counter value is as follows:
The situation becomes different if the user does not control the level of the event at reset release. In this case, the counter may require one more event pulse before it starts to increment. Hence, the counter value could behave as follows:
Because of this uncertainty, it is advised to control the level of the selected event at time of reset release.
For information about how to read the prescaler counter value, see AUX_TDC:PRECNTR in Section 20.6.5.