SWCU191 February 2022 CC1311P3 , CC1311R3 , CC2651P3 , CC2651R3 , CC2651R3SIPA
The procedure takes the following input parameters:
The procedure returns the following:
The procedure returns with error if the queue is empty or if there is not room for an entry element of the specified size. Otherwise, the following is done:
If pQueue->pCurrEntry->type != 1 then
Set pTemp = pQueue->pCurrEntry
Set pQueue->pCurrEntry = pTemp->pNextEntry
Set pTemp->status = Finished
Increase pQueue->pCurrEntry->nextIndex by size
Increment pQueue->pCurrEntry->numElements by 1
If pQueue->pCurrEntry->nextIndex + 2 == pQueue->pCurrEntry->length then
Set pTemp = pQueue->pCurrEntry
Set pQueue->pCurrEntry = pTemp->pNextEntry
Set pTemp->status = Finished
Set pFinishedEntry == pTemp
Set pQueue->pCurrEntry->status = Active
Set pFinishedEntry == NULL
end if
end if
This operation is done after doing PROC_ALLOCATE_RX and writing to the correct locations in the buffer; the size must be the same as with PROC_ALLOCATE_RX.