SWCU191 February 2022 CC1311P3 , CC1311R3 , CC2651P3 , CC2651R3 , CC2651R3SIPA
The status field of the command issued is updated during the operation. When submitting the command, the system CPU must write this field with a state of IDLE. During the operation, the radio CPU updates the field to indicate the operation mode. When the operation is done, the radio CPU writes a status indicating that the operation is finished. The status codes used by a proprietary radio operation are listed in
Table 26-182.
Number | Name | Description |
Operation Not Finished | ||
0x0000 | IDLE | Operation not started |
0x0001 | PENDING | Waiting for start trigger |
0x0002 | ACTIVE | Running operation |
Operation Finished Normally | ||
0x3400 | PROP_DONE_OK | Operation ended normally |
0x3401 | PROP_DONE_RXTIMEOUT | Operation stopped after end trigger while waiting for sync |
0x3402 | PROP_DONE_BREAK | RX stopped due to timeout in the middle of a packet |
0x3403 | PROP_DONE_ENDED | Operation stopped after end trigger during reception |
0x3404 | PROP_DONE_STOPPED | Operation stopped after stop command |
0x3405 | PROP_DONE_ABORT | Operation aborted by abort command |
0x3406 | PROP_DONE_RXERR | Operation ended after receiving packet with CRC error |
0x3407 | PROP_DONE_IDLE | Carrier sense operation ended because of idle channel |
0x3408 | PROP_DONE_BUSY | Carrier sense operation ended because of busy channel |
0x3409 | PROP_DONE_IDLETIMEOUT | Carrier sense operation ended because of time-out with csConf.timeoutRes = 1 |
0x340A | PROP_DONE_BUSYTIMEOUT | Carrier sense operation ended because of time-out with csConf.timeoutRes = 0 |
Operation Finished With Error | ||
0x3800 | PROP_ERROR_PAR | Illegal parameter |
0x3801 | PROP_ERROR_RXBUF | No RX buffer large enough for the received data available at the start of a packet |
0x3802 | PROP_ERROR_RXFULL | Out of RX buffer during reception in a partial read buffer |
0x3803 | PROP_ERROR_NO_SETUP | Radio was not set up in proprietary mode |
0x3804 | PROP_ERROR_NO_FS | Synthesizer was not programmed when running RX or TX |
0x3805 | PROP_ERROR_RXOVF | TX overflow observed during operation |
0x3806 | PROP_ERROR_TXUNF | TX underflow observed during operation |
The conditions for giving each status are listed for each operation. Some of the error causes listed in Table 26-182 are not repeated in these lists. If CMD_STOP or CMD_ABORT is received while waiting for the start trigger, the end cause is DONE_STOPPED or DONE_ABORT, with an end result of FALSE and ABORT, respectively. In some cases, general error causes may occur. For all these error cases, the result of the operation is ABORT.