SWCU191 February 2022 CC1311P3 , CC1311R3 , CC2651P3 , CC2651R3 , CC2651R3SIPA
Command ID number: 0x0408
CMD_DISABLE_RAT_CH is an immediate command that takes the parameters listed in Table 26-44.
Byte Index | Field Name | Bits | Bit Field Name | Type | Description |
0–1 | commandNo | W | The command ID number | ||
2 | ratCh | W | The RAT channel number |
On reception, the radio CPU disables the RAT channel given by ratCh. This disables previous configurations of that channel done by the CMD_SET_RAT_CMP or CMD_SET_RAT_CPT command.
CMD_DISABLE_RAT_CH may be sent as a direct command. If so, ratCh is given by the parameter in bits 8–15 of CMDR.
The channel number must indicate a channel that is not reserved for use by the radio CPU. Otherwise, the radio CPU returns ParError in CMDSTA. If the channel number is valid, the CPU returns DONE in CMDSTA after the channel is disabled.