SWCU191 February 2022 CC1311P3 , CC1311R3 , CC2651P3 , CC2651R3 , CC2651R3SIPA
Triggers can be used to set up a start time, or for other specific purposes in specific radio operation commands. A common trigger byte definition exists, as defined in Table 26-4.
Bit Index | Field | Description |
0–3 | triggerType | The type of trigger |
4 | bEnaCmd | 0: No alternative trigger command. 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger. |
5–6 | triggerNo | The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action. |
7 | pastTrig | 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error. 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible. |
The triggerType can take the values listed in Table 26-5. Other values are reserved.
Number | Name | Description |
0 | TRIG_NOW | Now (not applicable to end triggers) |
1 | TRIG_NEVER | Never (except possibly by CMD_TRIGGER if bEnaCmd = 1) |
2 | TRIG_ABSTIME | At absolute time, given by timer parameter |
3 | TRIG_REL_SUBMIT | At a time relative to the time the command was submitted |
4 | TRIG_REL_START | At a time relative to start of this command (not allowed for start triggers) |
5 | TRIG_REL_PREVSTART | At a time relative to the start of the previous command |
6 | TRIG_REL_FIRSTSTART | At a time relative to the start of the first command of the chain |
7 | TRIG_REL_PREVEND | At a time relative to the end of the previous command |
8 | TRIG_REL_EVT1 | At a time relative to event 1 of the previous command |
9 | TRIG_REL_EVT2 | At a time relative to event 2 of the previous command |
10 | TRIG_EXTERNAL | On an external trigger input to the RAT |
A 32-bit time parameter is used together with all triggers except for TRIG_NOW and TRIG_NEVER. Absolute timing uses the value of the 32-bit RAT. Relative timing uses the number of RAT ticks. The external trigger uses an identifier of source and edge, as defined in Table 26-6.
Bit Index | Field | Description |
0–1 | Reserved | |
2–3 | inputMode | Input mode 00: Rising edge 01: Falling edge 10: Both edges 11: Reserved |
4–7 | Reserved | |
8–12 | source | 22: RFC_GPI0 23: RFC_GPI1 Others: Reserved |
13–31 | Reserved |
Relative timing can either be relative to the time of submitting the command chain, to the start of the command, to the start of the previous or first command, or to certain observed events inside the command, to be defined for each command. The following rules apply:
If bEnaCmd is 1, the action may also be triggered with a command (CMD_TRIGGER command, see Section The triggerNo parameter identifies the trigger number of this command.
If a trigger occurs in the past when evaluated, the behavior depends on the pastTrig bit. If this bit is 0, the trigger does not occur, or for start triggers, an error is produced. If this bit is 1, the trigger occurs as soon as possible. If the pastTrig bit is 1 for start triggers, timing relative to the start of the command is relative to the programmed start time, not the actual start time.
For an external trigger, the radio CPU sets the RAT to use the selected input event as a one-capture trigger; the CPU then uses this capture interrupt to trigger the action. If the event occurs before the setup occurs, the event is not captured, and the pastTrig bit is ignored.