SWCU191 February 2022 CC1311P3 , CC1311R3 , CC2651P3 , CC2651R3 , CC2651R3SIPA
Event Number | Name | Description |
0x0 to 0x1F | DIO0 to DIO31 | Edge detect on DIOn, n = 0..31 |
0x20 | DIO | Edge detect on any DIO |
0x23 to 0x25 | RTC_CH0 to RTC_CH2 | RTC channel n event, n = 0..2 |
0x26 to 0x28 | RTC_CH0_DLY to RTC_CH2_DLY | RTC channel n – delayed event, n = 0..2 |
0x29 | RTC_COMB_DLY | RTC combined delayed event |
0x2A | RTC_UPD | RTC Update Tick |
0x2B | JTAG | JTAG generated event |
0x2C to 0x2E | AUX_SWEV0 to AUX_SWEV2 | AUX Software triggered event #n, n = 0..2 |
0x2F | AUX_COMPA | Comparator A triggered |
0x30 | AUX_COMPB* | Comparator B triggered |
0x31 | AUX_ADC_DONE | ADC conversion completed |
0x32 | AUX_TDC_DONE | TDC completed or timed out |
0x33 to 0x34 | AUX_TIMER0_EV to AUX_TIMER1_EV | AUX Timer n Event, n = 0..1 |
0x35 | BATMON_TEMP | BATMON temperature update event |
0x36 | BATMON_VOLT | BATMON voltage update event |
0x37 | AUX_COMPB_ASYNC* | Comparator B triggered |
0x38 | AUX_COMPB_ASYNC_N* | Comparator B not triggered |
0x3F | NONE | No event |