SWCU191 February 2022 CC1311P3 , CC1311R3 , CC2651P3 , CC2651R3 , CC2651R3SIPA
The CMD_IEEE_MOD_SRC_MATCH command takes a command structure as defined in Table 26-68. CMD_IEEE_MOD_SRC_MATCH must only be sent while an RX operation is running. On reception, the radio CPU enables or disables the source-matching entry signaled in the command structure. If options.entryType is 0, the entry is extended-address entry in the structure pointed to by pExtEntryList, and if options.entryType is 1, the entry is short-address entry in the structure pointed to by pShortEntryList. The index of the entry is signaled in entryNo. If options.bEnable is 0, the entry is disabled, and if it is 1, the entry is enabled. The corresponding source pending bit is set to the value of options.srcMatch. The new values of the enable values are used from the next time source-matching is performed. The system CPU may modify the address of a disabled entry, but not an enabled one. If the command is issued without an active or suspended background-level RX operation, the radio CPU returns the result ContextError in CMDSTA. If any of the parameters entered are illegal, for example, pointing to a nonexistent entry, the radio CPU returns the result ParError in CMDSTA. Otherwise, the radio CPU returns DONE.