SWCU192 November 2021 CC1312R7 , CC1352P7 , CC2652P7 , CC2652R7
The flash block provides an in-circuit, programmable, nonvolatile program memory for the device. The 704 kB flash memory is organized as a set of 8 kB pages that can be individually erased. Erasing a block causes the entire contents of the block to be reset to all 1s. These pages can be individually protected. Read-only blocks cannot be erased or programmed, protecting the contents of those blocks from being modified. In addition to holding program code and constants, the nonvolatile memory allows the application to save data that must be preserved so that it is available after restarting the device. Using this feature lets the user use saved network-specific data to avoid the need for a full start-up and network find-and-join process.