SWCU192 November 2021 CC1312R7 , CC1352P7 , CC2652P7 , CC2652R7
Programmable timers can be used to count or time external events that drive the timer input pins. The general-purpose timer module (GPTM) of the CC13x2x7 and CC26x2x7 device platform provides two 16-bit timers (Timer A and Timer B) that can be configured to operate independently as timers or concatenated to operate as one 32-bit timer.
The GPTM is one timing resource available on the CC13x2x7 and CC26x2x7 device platform. Other timer resources include the system timer (SysTick) and the watchdog timer (WDT). For reference, see Section 5.2.1 and Section 18.
The GPTM contains four GPTM blocks with the following functional options: