SWCU192 November 2021 CC1312R7 , CC1352P7 , CC2652P7 , CC2652R7
The COMMAND_BANK_ERASE command does not perform any erase operation if the CCFG parameter BANK_ERASE_DIS is cleared. When COMMAND_BANK_ERASE is not cleared, this command erases all main bank flash sectors including CCFG not protected by write-protect bits in FCFG1 and CCFG.
The command sends the ACK in response to the command after the actual erase operation is performed. The actual erase is followed by CCFG values being programmed to the same values as the device had when it was delivered from TI.
The format of the packet including the command is as follows:
unsigned char ucCommand[3];
ucCommand[0] = <size=3>;
ucCommand[1] = <checksum>;
ucCommand[2] = COMMAND_BANK_ERASE;