Interference between different radars can have disastrous consequences for radar functionality, leading to missed detections, blind-spots, reduced range, and ghost objects. Robust, reliable radar performance requires methods to identify and mitigate interference, or avoid it altogether. This white paper describes the mechanisms of interference and methods to mitigate interference, using algorithms designed for and hardware hooks designed into the TI family of radar devices.
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This white paper discusses the problem of radar-to-radar interference and how it can be managed in TI radar devices. Interference is a major issue for reliable radar functioning, as the number of deployed radars has increased in both automotive and industrial contexts. Thus, the likelihood that one radar’s transmission is received by another radar has also increased. Interference results in a host of issues, such as a degradation in the noise floor leading to missed detections, or blind spots at certain ranges or directions. It can also create ghost objects in certain cases (ghost targets are targets seen by the radar which do not exist).
This paper is only concerned with cases where FMCW radars interfere with each other.
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