SWRA682 December 2020 CC1310 , CC1312PSIP , CC1312R , CC1314R10 , CC1350 , CC1352P , CC1352P7 , CC1352R , CC1354P10 , CC1354R10
The transmitted signal will have a certain signal bandwidth (SBW), which depends on the symbol rate and modulation format. This bandwidth can be approximated by Carson's rule given that the modulation format is FSK:
Since GFSK uses a shaping to reduce the side lobes the GFSK signal bandwidth will be less than estimated by Carson’s rule. The exact signal bandwidth can be measured with a spectrum analyzer.
On the receiver side there is an RX channel filter, which is centered on the down-converted received RF frequency, such that, the intermediate frequency (IF). The RX filter has a programmable bandwidth (RX BW). The transmitted signal bandwidth has to be less than RX BW, but the frequency error of the transmitter and receiver must also be taken into account.
If there is an error in the transmitter carrier frequency and the receiver LO frequency, there will also be an error in the IF frequency. For simplicity assume the frequency error in the transmitter and receiver is equal (same type of crystal). If the receiver has an error of –X ppm and the transmitter has an error of +X ppm the IF frequency will have an error of +2*X ppm. Conversely, if the receiver has an error of +X ppm and the transmitter an error of -X ppm the IF frequency will have an error of -2*X ppm.
RX BW has to be larger than the maximum SBW plus the maximum frequency error due to crystal inaccuracies. Worst case scenario will be for the crystal errors on TX and RX side to be of opposite signs.