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For the migration of CC26x0 devices to the CC2652R7 device, please see the Hardware Migration From CC26x0 to CC26x2R guide. The CC2652R7 is a memory upgrade of the CC26x2R device. The CC2652R7 device has 144 kB of RAM and 704 kB of flash. The two devices are pin to pin compatible and a PCB design made for the CC26x2R device can be reused for the CC2652R7 device. It should be noted that for applications requiring a slow clock accuracy of < +600 PPM (such as Bluetooth Low Energy applications), an external 32-kHz slow clock is required for use with the CC2652R7 device. The only other update to the Build-of-Material (BOM) required is the Wireless MCU.
The CC2652R7 is a memory upgrade of the CC26x2R device. The CC2652R7 device has 144 kB of RAM and 704 kB of flash. The two devices are pin to pin compatible and a PCB design made for the CC26x2R device can be reused for the CC2652R7 device. It should be noted that for applications requiring a slow clock accuracy of < +600 PPM (such as Bluetooth Low Energy applications), an external 32-kHz slow clock is required for use with the CC2652R7 device. The only other update to the Build-of-Material (BOM) required is the Wireless MCU.
The CC2652P7 is a memory upgrade of the CC2652P7 device. The CC2652P7 device has 144 kB of RAM and 704 kB of flash. The two devices are pin to pin compatible and a PCB design made for the CC2652P device can be reused for the CC2652P7 device. It should be noted that for applications requiring a slow clock accuracy of < +600 PPM (such as Bluetooth Low Energy applications), an external 32-kHz slow clock is required for use with the CC2652P7 device. The only other update to the Build-of-Material (BOM) required is the Wireless MCU.
Radio certification of the customer’s application and end equipment is the customer’s responsibility. The customer is solely responsible for the design, validation, and testing of its applications as well as for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements concerning its applications. Industry best practices generally require that the customer conducts qualification tests on actual applications considering possible environmental and other conditions that the customer’s application may encounter. TI recommends consulting with an accredited test house if in doubt on regulatory matters.