SWRA734 December 2021 CC1312PSIP , CC1312R , CC1312R7 , CC1314R10 , CC1352P , CC1352P7 , CC1352R , CC1354P10 , CC1354R10 , CC2652P , CC2652P7 , CC2652R , CC2652RB , CC2652RSIP
Even though a sync loss between a sensor device and its PAN coordinator is usually something temporal, it can become permanent if the PAN coordinator is no longer reachable.
If this is the case, the sensor device transitions into what is known as an orphan state. In this state, the sensor device enters a low power mode, and only periodically awakes to attempt to reconnect to its PAN coordinator. If the PAN coordinator is in fact no longer reachable because it has failed or it has been removed, the sensor will indefinitely (or until its power source fails) attempt to reconnect to it. Therefore, if the sensor is to remain active in the network, the implementation of a PAN coordinator switching procedure is necessary.
This first switching scenario is rather simple, as the most basic implementation only requires a modification to the application layer of the sensor example. Taking this into account, the aspects that must be considered when implementing the coordinator switching procedure at the application layer of the sensor device are: