The 4-wire UART connection (H4) has the following default settings:
- 115.2 kbps baudrate
- Hardware (HW) flow control
- UART 8N1 setting:
- 8-bits
- No parity bit
- 1 stop bit
An example of UART HCI communication:
- Outgoing command: HCI_Read_Local_Version_Information
- Outgoing Hex dump: 0x01 0x01 0x10 0x00 where the first number indicates a
command sent (0x01), the second number (0x01) and third number
(0x10) is the command opcode and fourth indicates parameter length
- Incoming Hex dump: 0x04 0x0e 0x0c ...... where the first number (0x04)
indicates an event received, the second number (0x0e) indicates the type of
event, and the rest of the numbers is the event.
It is not necessary to download the service pack to verify UART communication with the
example above.