SWRA750 September   2022


  1.   Introduction
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Connectionless RF Tests
    1. 1.1 Continuous TX
    2. 1.2 Tester Packet TX RX
    3. 1.3 Continuous RX
    4. 1.4 BER Meter Test
      1. 1.4.1 BER Test - Between Two WiLink Devices
      2. 1.4.2 BER Test - Between WiLink (RX) and Litepoint iQ2010 (TX)
  4. 2Bluetooth SIG RF Test Mode
  5. 3Bluetooth Low Energy Testing
  6. 4Connection Test
  7. 5Conversion of HCI Commands to SS1Tool or hcitool Format
    1. 5.1 Examples of SS1Tool or Enhanced Bluetopia PM Test Format Conversion
      1. 5.1.1 Connectionless RF Tests
        1. Continuous TX
        2. Packet TX RX
        3. Continuous RX
        4. RX BER Meter Test
      2. 5.1.2 Bluetooth SIG RF Test Mode
      3. 5.1.3 Bluetooth Low Energy Testing
  8. 6Revision History

Conversion of HCI Commands to SS1Tool or hcitool Format

  • SS1Tool is a tool used to send HCI commands to the WiLink8, when using BluetopiaPM Bluetooth stack.
  • hcitool is a tool used to send HCI commands to the WiLink8, when using Bluez stack.

Both tools use the same syntax so in the examples the commands SS1Tool and hcitool are interchangeable.

For a focus on hci command that are not readily available. Here is the format to use for both tools as an example.

Send_HCI_VS_DRPb_Tester_Con_TX 0xFDCA, 2402, 0, 0, 7, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
SS1Tool cmd <ogf> <ocf> [Parameters]


Send_HCI_VS_DRPb_Tester_Con_TX 0xFDCA, 2402, 0, 0, 7, 0x00000000, 0x00000000
hcitool cmd <ogf> <ocf> [Parameters]

<ogf> and <ocf>, along with parameters are all hexadecimal values.

Every HCI commands have an opcode; this opcode is a combination of the <ogf> and <ocf>.

The same format applies to HCI and HCI_VS commands. See the snapshot below.

For instance, given this command: # Enable Page and inquiry scan:

Send_HCI_Write_Scan_Enable 0x03

This command has an opcode of 0x0c1a

0x0c1a                         -> 0000 1100 0001 1010
OCF (10 bit opcode cmd field)  ->        00 0001 1010 -> 0x01a
OGF (6 bit opcode group field) -> 0000 11 -> 0x03

Thus: SS1Tool cmd 0x03 0x01a 0x03 -> Enable page and inquiry scan

FDCA -> 1111 11 01 1100 1010
      0011 1111 -> 3f
               0001 1100 1010 -> 1CA
SS1Tool cmd 3f 1ca
Table 5-1 HCI Command Packet Structure
First Last
OCF OGF Length Para0 Para1 -
OCF: 10-bit opcode command field, range: 0x00 - 0x3F (0x3E reserved for Bluetooth logo testing and 0x3F reserved for VS debug commands)
OGF: 6-bit opcode group field
Length: Length of all parameters in this packet measured in bytes (total length of parameters, not number of parameters)
Para0 - ParaN Specific parameters are associated with each command. These parameters and the size of each parameter are defined for each command. The size of each parameter is an integer number of bytes.