SWRA752 September   2022


  1.   Introduction
  2.   Nomenclature
  3. 1Testing
    1. 1.1 Bluetooth Certification
      1. 1.1.1 Qualification Process
      2. 1.1.2 Initial Questions
      3. 1.1.3 Design Product Types
      4. 1.1.4 End Product Listing
      5. 1.1.5 Qualified Design Listing
      6. 1.1.6 Create an End Product Listing
      7. 1.1.7 CC265x RF PIXIT
    2. 1.2 FAQ
  4. 2References
  5. 3Revision History

Initial Questions

  • Are you using a 3rd party qualified design? (Following CC256x QFN EM reference design)
    • If YES, reuse TI Subsystems (See Qualified Design Listing section)
    • If NO, follow steps to qualify your own Bluetooth design
  • What product type are you using?
    • End Product, Subsystem, Component etc. Understanding intention and benefits of product types is Key.
  • Are you making any changes to the qualified design during implementation into your product?
    • If adding new functionality defined in adopted Specification (new PICS items) then new qualification is required
    • If simply referencing someone else's complete qualified design you may only need EPL

There are two options:

  1. If the design is qualified as a Subsystem product type, a new QDL/QDID is NOT required if the designs are implemented as originally qualified and are designed to combined with complimentary Subsystems in an End Product. From Qualification perspective, only an EPL associated with the implemented Subsystems is required (no Qualification testing needed).
  2. If a Member wishes to create a new QDL/QDID using Subsystems, the complete design must be reassessed to ensure it meets the current Qualification requirements. You are not allowed to inherit evidence, rather assess to confirm the evidence meets the current test requirements and perform any new test cases introduced since the original Qualification.
GUID-20220726-SS0I-RLRJ-WQKS-JC6VWLDLPNCF-low.png Figure 1-2 Initial Questions