SWRA769 august 2023 CC2564C
TI’s Bluetooth stack is an implementation of the upper layers of the Bluetooth protocol stack. TI’s Bluetooth stack provides a robust and flexible software development tool that implements the Bluetooth protocols and profiles above the host Controller Interface (HCI). TI’s Bluetooth stack's Application Programming Interface (API) provides access to the upper-layer protocols and profiles and can interface directly with a Bluetooth controller chip.
The basic Bluetooth application included with MSP432 and STM32F4 is a hands-free audio gateway application. An overview of the application and other applications can be read at TI Dual-Mode Bluetooth® Stack on MSP432™ MCUs and Dual-Mode Bluetooth® Stack on STM32F4 MCUs. This page describes the various commands that a user of the application can use. Each command is a wrapper over a TI’s Bluetooth stack API which gets invoked with the parameters selected by the user. This is a subset of the APIs available to the user. TI’s Bluetooth stack API documentation (TI_Bluetooth_Stack_Version-Number\Documentation or forSTM32F4, TI_Bluetooth_Stack_Version-Number\RTOS_VERSION\Documentation) describes all of the API's in detail.