SWRA772 august 2023 CC2564C
The following function is responsible for reading data sent by a remote device to which a connection exists. This function returns zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors. Depending what the device role for SPPLE is, server or client, the API function that is called is either a GATT_Handle_Value_Notification or aGATT_Write_Without_Response_Request; which notifies the receiving credit characteristic or sends a write with out response packet to the transmission credit characteristic respectively.
The only parameter required is the Bluetooth Address of the remote device that is connected.
GATT_Handle_Value_Notification(BluetoothStackID, SPPLEServiceID, ConnectionID, SPPLE_RX_CREDITS_CHARACTERISTIC_ATTRIBUTE_OFFSET, WORD_SIZE, (Byte_t*)&Credits)
GATT_Write_Without_Response_Request(BluetoothStackID, ConnectionID, DeviceInfo->ClientInfo.Tx_Credit_Characteristic, WORD_SIZE, &Credits)
int BTPSAPI GATT_Handle_Value_Notification(unsigned int BluetoothStackID, unsigned int ServiceID, unsigned int ConnectionID, Word_t AttributeOffset, Word_tAttributeValueLength, Byte_t *AttributeValue)
int BTPSAPI GATT_Write_Without_Response_Request(unsigned int BluetoothStackID, unsigned int ConnectionID, Word_t AttributeHandle, Word_t AttributeLength, void*AttributeValue)
The first of these API functions allows a means of sending a Handle/Value notification to a remote GATT client. The first parameter to this function is the Bluetooth stack ID of the localBluetooth stack. The second parameter is the service ID of the service that is sending the Handle/Value notification. The third parameter specifies the connection ID of the connection to send the Handle/Value notification to. The fourth parameter specifies the offset in the service table (registered via the call to the GATT_Register_Service() function) of the attribute that is being notified. The fifth parameter is the length (in bytes) of the attribute value that is being notified. The sixth parameter is a pointer to the actual attribute value to notify. This function returns a non-negative value that represents the actual length of the attribute value that was notified, or a negative return error code if there was an error.
The second of these API functions is provided to allow a means of performing a write without response request to remote device for a specified attribute. The first parameter to this function is the Bluetooth stack ID of the local Bluetooth stack, followed by the connection ID of the connected remote device, followed by the handle of the attribute to write, followed by the length of the value data to write (in bytes), followed by the actual value to write. This function returns the number of bytes written on success or a negative error code.