SWRA772 august 2023 CC2564C
To confirm that SPPLEDemo has provided LightBlue with the transmit credits after the ConfigureSPPLE has finished running, open the open the SPPLEDemo Virtual Peripheral and choose the Credits Characteristic (0xBA04C4B2-892B-43BE-B69C-5D13F2195392). As mentioned above, LightBlue does not show updated values of characteristics when these are written and the user has no way to confirm that LightBlue received the data. Even though there is no confirmation that LightBlue has received transmit credits, data can still be sent from LightBlue to SPPLEDemo because LightBlue is primarily only a GATT Profile demonstration and doesn't have any knowledge of the SPP LE protocol used. LightBlue is unaware of the transmit credits present, and, for this reason, data can be sent from LightBlue to SPPLEDemo with or without transmit credits. To send data to SPPLEDemo, use the Tx Characteristic (0x0734594A-A8E7-4B1A-A6B1-CD5243059A57') and do the following in LightBlue:
In SPPLEDemo observe a data indication. To read the data use theLERead 5c75524c733a command. Observe the ABC displayed in the terminal, as seen below:
Data Indication Event, Connection ID 1, Received 3 bytes.
SPP+LE>LERead 5c75524c733a
Read: 3.