SWRA783 September   2023 CC1352P , CC1352R , CC1354P10 , CC1354R10 , CC2642R , CC2642R-Q1 , CC2652P , CC2652R


  1.   1
  2.   Summary
  3.   Vulnerability






CVSS Base Score


Affected Products

Part Software Name Software version TI BLE Stack Name TI BLE Stack Version
CC2651P3, CC2651R3, CC2651R3SIPA, CC2642R, CC2652R, CC2652P, CC1352R, CC1352P, CC2652RSIP, CC2652PSIP, CC2642R-Q1, CC2652R7, CC2652P7, CC1312R7, CC1352P7 SIMPLELINK-CC13XX-CC26XX-SDK: SimpleLink™ CC13xx and CC26xx software development kit (SDK) v6.41.00.17 and earlier BLE5-Stack v2.02.07.00 and earlier
CC2640R2F, CC2640R2L, CC2640R2F-Q1 SIMPLELINK-CC2640R2-SDK: SimpleLink™ CC2640R2 SDK - Bluetooth® low energy v5.30.00.03 and earlier BLE-Stack v3.03.08.00 and earlier
BLE5-Stack v1.01.14.00 and earlier
CC1350 SIMPLELINK-CC13X0-SDK: SimpleLink™ Sub-1 GHz CC13x0 Software Development Kit v4.20.02.07 and earlier BLE-Stack v2.03.11.00 and earlier
CC2640, CC2650, CC2650MODA NA NA BLE-STACK-2-X v2.02.07.06 and earlier
CC2540, CC2541 NA NA BLE-STACK-1-X v1.05.02.00 and earlier

To determine if your product is impacted, check the version of the TI BLE stack version built into your product. This can be done by looking at the documentation included with SDK. Bluetooth LE products using only the peripheral role can be affected by this advisory during secure pairing process.

Potentially Impacted Features

When out of order packets are sent during Bluetooth LE secure pairing, the affected devices can be put in a state which results in the halting of any attempts to pair with other central devices. This state can lead to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks that can be recovered by resetting the device. This behavior was noticed with the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: Checks not performed on out of turn packets with pre-set value

During Bluetooth LE secure pairing, if the central sends DHkeyCheckSend message before sending MackKey, Na and Nb, the peripheral will respond with DHkeyCheckSend even though MackKey, Na and Nb are set to zero. During normal operation, MackKey, Na and Nb must be sent before DHkeyCheckSend.

Scenario 2: Bluetooth LE peripheral responds to out of turn packet before authentication

During Bluetooth LE secure pairing, a peripheral can respond out of turn to PairRandomSend message before PublicKeySend packet is received.

Scenario 3:Bluetooth LE peripheral responds to out of turn packet with incorrect value

During Bluetooth LE secure pairing, a peripheral can respond to PairConfirmSend request from a central with wrong confirm values set for PairReq with secure connection flag or OOB flag turned on. In this scenario, the PairConfirmSend packet is sent before PublicKeySend packet is received.

Suggested Mitigations

The following SDK releases addresses the potential vulnerability. Customers can upgrade to the latest SDK version to avoid this vulnerability.

Part Software Name Software version TI BLE Stack Name TI BLE Stack Version
CC2340R5, CC2340R5-Q1 SIMPLELINK-LOWPOWER-SDK: SimpleLink™ low power software development kits (SDKs) v7.10.00.35 BLE5-Stack v3.02.01.00
CC2651P3, CC2651R3, CC2651R3SIPA, CC2642R, CC2652R, CC2652P, CC1352R, CC1352P, CC2652RSIP, CC2652PSIP, CC2642R-Q1, CC2652R7, CC2652P7, CC1312R7, CC1352P7, CC2674R10, CC2674P10, CC1354R10, CC1354P10 SIMPLELINK-CC13XX-CC26XX-SDK: SimpleLink™ CC13xx and CC26xx software development kit (SDK) v7.10.00.98 BLE5-Stack v2.02.08.00
CC2640R2F, CC2640R2L, CC2640R2F-Q1 SIMPLELINK-CC2640R2-SDK: SimpleLink™ CC2640R2 SDK - Bluetooth® low energy Not Supported1 BLE-Stack Not Supported1
BLE5-Stack Not Supported1
CC1350 SIMPLELINK-CC13X0-SDK: SimpleLink™ Sub-1 GHz CC13x0 Software Development Kit Not Supported1 BLE-Stack Not Supported1
CC2640, CC2650, CC2650MODA NA Not Supported1 BLE-STACK-2-X Not Supported1
CC2540, CC2541 NA Not Supported1 BLE-STACK-1-X Not Supported1
Mitigations on these device stacks is not supported as this is a fix to the BLE stack in devices’ ROM, which has a limited patch size. Given the severity of this issue is low, the patch memory is being reserved for critical PSIRT issues in the future.

External References

BLEDiff : Scalable and Property-Agnostic Noncompliance Checking for BLE Implementations, in 2023 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), San Francisco, CA, US, 2023 pp. 1082-1100.