SWRS195C October   2019  – April 2024 CC2652P


  1.   1
  2. Features
  3. Applications
  4. Description
  5. Functional Block Diagram
  6. Device Comparison
  7. Pin Configuration and Functions
    1. 6.1 Pin Diagram—RGZ Package (Top View)
    2. 6.2 Signal Descriptions—RGZ Package
    3. 6.3 Connections for Unused Pins and Modules
  8. Specifications
    1. 7.1  Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 7.2  ESD Ratings
    3. 7.3  Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 7.4  Power Supply and Modules
    5. 7.5  Power Consumption—Power Modes
    6. 7.6  Power Consumption—Radio Modes
    7. 7.7  Nonvolatile (Flash) Memory Characteristics
    8. 7.8  Thermal Resistance Characteristics
    9. 7.9  RF Frequency Bands
    10. 7.10 Bluetooth Low Energy—Receive (RX)
    11. 7.11 Bluetooth Low Energy—Transmit (TX)
    12. 7.12 Zigbee and Thread—IEEE 802.15.4-2006 2.4GHz (OQPSK DSSS1:8, 250kbps): RX
    13. 7.13 Zigbee and Thread—IEEE 802.15.4-2006 2.4GHz (OQPSK DSSS1:8, 250kbps): TX
    14. 7.14 Timing and Switching Characteristics
      1. 7.14.1 Reset Timing
      2. 7.14.2 Wakeup Timing
      3. 7.14.3 Clock Specifications
        1. 48MHz Crystal Oscillator (XOSC_HF)
        2. 48MHz RC Oscillator (RCOSC_HF)
        3. 2MHz RC Oscillator (RCOSC_MF)
        4. 32.768kHz Crystal Oscillator (XOSC_LF)
        5. 32kHz RC Oscillator (RCOSC_LF)
      4. 7.14.4 Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) Characteristics
        1. Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) Characteristics
        2.       36
      5. 7.14.5 UART
        1. UART Characteristics
    15. 7.15 Peripheral Characteristics
      1. 7.15.1 ADC
        1. Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Characteristics
      2. 7.15.2 DAC
        1. Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) Characteristics
      3. 7.15.3 Temperature and Battery Monitor
        1. Temperature Sensor
        2. Battery Monitor
      4. 7.15.4 Comparators
        1. Low-Power Clocked Comparator
        2. Continuous Time Comparator
      5. 7.15.5 Current Source
        1. Programmable Current Source
      6. 7.15.6 GPIO
        1. GPIO DC Characteristics
    16. 7.16 Typical Characteristics
      1. 7.16.1 MCU Current
      2. 7.16.2 RX Current
      3. 7.16.3 TX Current
      4. 7.16.4 RX Performance
      5. 7.16.5 TX Performance
      6. 7.16.6 ADC Performance
  9. Detailed Description
    1. 8.1  Overview
    2. 8.2  System CPU
    3. 8.3  Radio (RF Core)
      1. 8.3.1 Bluetooth 5.2 Low Energy
      2. 8.3.2 802.15.4 (Thread, Zigbee, 6LoWPAN)
    4. 8.4  Memory
    5. 8.5  Sensor Controller
    6. 8.6  Cryptography
    7. 8.7  Timers
    8. 8.8  Serial Peripherals and I/O
    9. 8.9  Battery and Temperature Monitor
    10. 8.10 µDMA
    11. 8.11 Debug
    12. 8.12 Power Management
    13. 8.13 Clock Systems
    14. 8.14 Network Processor
  10. Application, Implementation, and Layout
    1. 9.1 Reference Designs
  11. 10Device and Documentation Support
    1. 10.1 Tools and Software
      1. 10.1.1 SimpleLink™ Microcontroller Platform
    2. 10.2 Documentation Support
    3. 10.3 Support Resources
    4. 10.4 Trademarks
    5. 10.5 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
    6. 10.6 Glossary
  12. 11Revision History
  13. 12Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information
    1. 12.1 Packaging Information

Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Characteristics

Tc = 25°C, VDDS = 3.0V and voltage scaling enabled, unless otherwise noted.(1)
Performance numbers require use of offset and gain adjustements in software by TI-provided ADC drivers.
Input voltage range0VDDSV
Sample Rate200ksps
OffsetInternal 4.3V equivalent reference(2)–0.24LSB
Gain errorInternal 4.3V equivalent reference(2)7.14LSB
DNL(4)Differential nonlinearity>–1LSB
INLIntegral nonlinearity±4LSB
ENOBEffective number of bitsInternal 4.3V equivalent reference(2), 200 kSamples/s,
9.6kHz input tone
Internal 4.3V equivalent reference(2), 200 kSamples/s,
9.6kHz input tone, DC/DC enabled
VDDS as reference, 200 kSamples/s, 9.6kHz input tone10.1
Internal reference, voltage scaling disabled,
32 samples average, 200 kSamples/s, 300 Hz input tone
Internal reference, voltage scaling disabled,
14-bit mode, 200 kSamples/s, 600 Hz input tone (5)
Internal reference, voltage scaling disabled,
15-bit mode, 200 kSamples/s, 150 Hz input tone (5)
THDTotal harmonic distortionInternal 4.3V equivalent reference(2), 200 kSamples/s,
9.6kHz input tone
VDDS as reference, 200 kSamples/s, 9.6kHz input tone–70
Internal reference, voltage scaling disabled,
32 samples average, 200 kSamples/s, 300 Hz input tone
distortion ratio
Internal 4.3V equivalent reference(2), 200 kSamples/s,
9.6kHz input tone
VDDS as reference, 200 kSamples/s, 9.6kHz input tone63
Internal reference, voltage scaling disabled,
32 samples average, 200 kSamples/s, 300 Hz input tone
SFDRSpurious-free dynamic rangeInternal 4.3V equivalent reference(2), 200 kSamples/s,
9.6kHz input tone
VDDS as reference, 200 kSamples/s, 9.6kHz input tone73
Internal reference, voltage scaling disabled,
32 samples average, 200 kSamples/s, 300 Hz input tone
Conversion timeSerial conversion, time-to-output, 24MHz clock50Clock Cycles
Current consumptionInternal 4.3V equivalent reference(2)0.42mA
Current consumptionVDDS as reference0.6mA
Reference voltageEquivalent fixed internal reference (input voltage scaling enabled). For best accuracy, the ADC conversion should be initiated through the TI-RTOS API in order to include the gain/offset compensation factors stored in FCFG14.3(2)(3)V
Reference voltageFixed internal reference (input voltage scaling disabled). For best accuracy, the ADC conversion should be initiated through the TI-RTOS API in order to include the gain/offset compensation factors stored in FCFG1. This value is derived from the scaled value (4.3V) as follows:
Vref = 4.3V × 1408 / 4095
Reference voltageVDDS as reference, input voltage scaling enabledVDDSV
Reference voltageVDDS as reference, input voltage scaling disabledVDDS / 2.82(3)V
Input impedance200 kSamples/s, voltage scaling enabled. Capacitive input, Input impedance depends on sampling frequency and sampling time>1
Using IEEE Std 1241-2010 for terminology and test methods
Input signal scaled down internally before conversion, as if voltage range was 0 to 4.3V
Applied voltage must be within Absolute Maximum Ratings (see Section 7.1) at all times
No missing codes
ADC_output = Σ(4n samples ) >> n, n = desired extra bits