The following are the known limitations of the mDNS feature:
- Support or receive up to eight different services in the peer cache (use filter for storing only the required services).
- The mDNS machine stops and starts when all services are deleted; the peer cache is deleted.
- If the user registers a unique service but a service with the same name already exists in the network, then the service name is changed to "name (number)," for example PC1 (2)_ipp._tcp.local. In this case, the name in the DB is the original name but the advertising uses the new name.
- Limited Bonjour support. Currently supports Bonjour in advertise mode. Query mode only supports PTR and the full Bonjour support will be implemented in the future.
- Deleting a unique name that was changed because of mismatch between the names (the advertising name and the DB name) causes the mDNS machine to stop and start, and deletes the peer cache.
- If there is a one-shot query but the peer cache is full, there is no place to set the query. The peer cache is deleted, and then the query is sent.
- There is a partial check if the service name that is registered is legal. The user must send a legal name.
- When using GET host by service, only one answer is returned. To see all the answers, wait for all peer answers to be sent and received, then read the answers by using the API GET service list.
- The max buffer list size of the API GET service list is 1480 bytes. A request for a larger list returns the SL_ERROR_NETAPP_RX_BUFFER_LENGTH_ERROR code.