.The host driver implementation includes the driver API, SimpleLink networking initialization, SimpleLink networking commands, commands response handling, asynchronous event handling, data flow, and transport layer interface. All are platform-independent and OS-independent code provided by TI. The driver APIs are organized into six silos reflecting six different logical API types:
- Device API – Handles the hardware-related API
- WLAN API – Handles the WLAN, 802.11 protocol-related functionality
- Socket API – The most common API set to be used by the user application. The SimpleLink networking socket API complies with the Berkeley socket APIs.
- NetApp API – Handles additional networking protocols and functionality, delivered as a complementary part of the on-chip content.
- NetCfg API – Handles configuration of different networking parameters
- FS API – Handles access to the Serial Flash component, for read and write operations of networking or user proprietary data