SWRU368C May 2018 – January 2021 CC3100 , CC3100MOD , CC3200 , CC3200MOD
To enable the feature, start the SimpleLink device. The device should start as STA role. Assuming no profile was added earlier, after a few seconds with no commands SmartConfig should start.
To start the SmartConfig application on a smart phone or PC:
The SmartConfig operation should complete in a few seconds, but may take up to two minutes to complete. If the requested network is in the proximity of the device, the device connects to it immediately.
The following topics apply when using automatic activation:
To verify the configuration, call:
sl_WlanPolicyGet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION, 0, pVal, pValLen);
The returned policy is stored in the allocated buffer pointed by pVal.
Bits 0 and 4 should be set if Auto Start and Auto SmartConfig policies are set.
If this is not the case, set these policies manually by calling:
To ensure no profile is saved, remove all saved profiles by calling:
After sending these commands, reset the device and SmartConfig should operate successfully.