SWRU556 June 2021 CC3100 , CC3200
The CLI tool provides a traditional command line version of the Radio Tool. This version is especially useful when performing large-scale automated testings. The RadioToolCLI.exe application is in the Radio Tool Application directory. Use CMD or batch files to execute the commands.
Usage: RadioToolCLI -X [-P=port] [-B=baud] [-M] [-F] [-T|-R|-POW]
RadioToolCLI [-h|--help] [-i|--info]
-h, --help Shows this message
-i, --info Shows RadioToolCLI and radio tool library version and information.
-v increase debug message verbosity
Device Connection:
-X, --target=TARGET The TARGET testing device. 0:CC3120 SPI, CC3135 SPI, 1:CC3120 UART,CC3135 UART 2:CC32X0
UART,CC3235 UART. REQUIRED. Range: [0, 2]. Default: 1
-P, --port=VALUE The port number of the target testing platform.
Required for UART connections. Range: [0, 255].
-B, --baud_rate=BAUD RATE The BAUD RATE of the target COM port.
Required for UART connections. Range: [0, Int32.MaxValue].
-M, --mac Returns the MAC address
-C, --new_mac=VALUE Set device MAC address WITHOUT colons. For example, if the MAC address is 01:23:45:67:89:
AB, enter 0123456789AB instead. Case insensitive.
-F, --firmware Returns the firmware version and CC32xx application version (if applicable) in the
following order:
Chip ID, ROM version, Firmware version, Host Driver version, CC32xx App version, MAC
Common for TX and RX:
-t, --duration=DURATION RX/TX Testing DURATION in seconds for -T and -R options. Range: [1, 65535]. Default: 1
-c, --channel=CHANNEL RX/TX Testing CHANNEL for -T and -R options. Range: 2.4GHz[1, 13] 5GHz[36-169]. Default:
-k, --enable_acks TX ACKs enabling(For Rx mode). Default: disabled.
TX (Transmission):
-T, --tx TX testing for Continuous or Packetized.
-z, --tx_type=TX_TYPE TX Testing TX_TYPE. 1:Continuous, 2:Packetized, 3:CW. 'tone_offset' option can be used if
and only if CW is chosen. Range: [1, 3]. Default: 1.
-w, --power=POWER TX POWER attenuation for Continuous and Packetized testing. 0 being the maximum power and
15 being the minimum power.Range: [0, 15]. Default: 0
-f, --tone_offset=TONE_OFFSET
TX TONE_OFFSET for CW testing only. A value of N means tone at offset N*312.5kHz.
Range: [-25, 25]. Default: 0
-m, --rate, --modulation=MODULATION
TX Testing rate (with the corresponding MODULATION). Range: [1, 20]. Default: 1 (1Mbps
1: 1 Mbps (DSSS)
2: 2 Mbps (DSSS)
3: 5.5 Mbps (CCK)
4: 11 Mbps (CCK)
6: 6 Mbps (OFDM)
7: 9 Mbps (OFDM)
8: 12 Mbps (OFDM)
9: 18 Mbps (OFDM)
10: 24 Mbps (OFDM)
11: 36 Mbps (OFDM)
12: 48 Mbps (OFDM)
13: 54 Mbps (OFDM)
14: MCS 0
15: MCS 1
16: MCS 2
17: MCS 3
18: MCS 4
19: MCS 5
20: MCS 6
21: MCS 7
-e, --preamble=VALUE TX preamble for 802.11 rates ONLY. Long:0, Short:1. Default: Long
-r, --pattern=VALUE TX data pattern. See the following for the complete list. Default: 0 (All 0)
0: All 0
1: All 1
2: Incremental
3: Decremental
-l, --packet_size=SIZE TX Testing packet SIZE. Range: [24, 1400]. Default: 1400
-g, --delay=VALUE TX delay in between packets in milliseconds. Packetized TX only. Range:[100, 1,000,000].
Default: 100
-n, --amount=VALUE TX maximum number of packets. Continuous & Packetized only. Range:[0, 1,000,000]. 0 for
infinite amount. Default: 0
-o, --cca_override TX CCA override enable. Default: non-overriding.
-s, --cca_threshold=VALUE TX CCA threshold value. The channel is considered as occupied when signal strength is
above this setting. Default: 2 (-68dBm)
0: MIN (-88dBm)1: LOW (-78dBm)2: DEFAULT (-68dBm)3: MED (-58dBm)4: HIGH (-48dBm)5: MAX (
-a, --dest_mac=MAC TX destination MAC address WITHOUT colons. For example, if the MAC address is 01:23:45:67:
89:AB, enter 0123456789AB instead. Case insensitive. Default: 01:23:45:67:89:AB
-y, --country_code=VALUE TX Country Code in two ASCII characters. Letters will be converted to upper case. Options:
US, EU, JP. Default: US
RX (Reception):
-R, --rx RX testing and retrieves statistics. The statistics will be shown as:
1st line: <# valid packets>, <# FCS error packets>, <# address mismatch packets>
2nd line: <Average RSSI in management frame>, <Average RSSI in other frames>
3rd line: RSSI historgram. <greater than -48dBm>, <-48dBm to -55dBm>, <-56dBm to -63dBm>
, <-64dBm to -71dBm>, <-72dBm to -79dBm>, <less than -79dBm>
4th line: Rate historgram, lowest to highest. The list order is identical to the rate/
modulation option.
5th line: Timestamps in micro-seconds: Starting time, Stats collecting time, Elapse
-d, --report_period=N RX statistics reporting period, every N seconds. If set to 0, RX statistics will only
report at the end.
Range: [0, 65535]. Default: 0
-p, --report_percent Report RX histogram in percentage format. If not set, default is in amount of packets.
Pow (Power):
--POW, --pow=VALUE
--POW_CMD_LOW, --power_cmd_low=VALUE
Set power command.
1-100: Low Power time
--POW_CMD_HIB, --power_cmd_hib=VALUE
Set hib command.
1-100: Hib Power time
Please contact TI for any question with regards to this program.
Example commands follow:
::Show the help page
RadioToolCLI.exe -h
::Show the help page
RadioToolCLI.exe --help
::Show the help page
RadioToolCLI.exe /h
::Show the Firmware version and MAC address of CC31xx via UART
RadioToolCLI.exe -X1 -P7 -B115200 -F
::TX Continuous
::CC31xx via SPI
::channel 1
::1Mbps DSSS
::max power
::packet size 1400bytes
::destination MAC address 01:23:45:67:89:AB
::infinite amount of packets
::long preamble
::all 0 pattern
::1 second testing time
RadioToolCLI.exe -X0 -T
::TX Continuous
::CC31xx via UART
::channel 1
::54Mbps OFDM
::max power
::packet size 1400bytes
::destination MAC address 01:23:45:67:89:AB
::infinite amount of packets
::long preamble
::all 0 pattern
::10 seconds testing time
RadioToolCLI.exe -X1 -P7 -B115200 -T -z1 -c1 -m13 -w0 -l1400 -a 0123456789AB -n0 -e0 -r0 -t10
::TX Packetized
::CC32xx via UART
::channel 1
::1Mbps DSSS
::max power
::packet size 512bytes
::destination MAC address EE:EE:EE:EE:0E:EE
::100ms delay
::long preamble
::incremental pattern
RadioToolCLI.exe -X2 -P7 -B115200 -T -z2 -c1 -m1 -w0 -l512 -a EEEEEEEE0EEE -n0 -e0 -r1 -t10
::CC31xx via SPI
::channel 6
::1Mbps DSSS
::-10 OFFSET (-3.125Mhz)
RadioToolCLI.exe -X0 -T -z3 -c6 -m1 -f -10 -t10
::CC31xx via UART
::channel 6
::show as number of packets
::20 seconds testing time
::only report statistics at the end
RadioToolCLI.exe -X1 -P7 -B115200 -c6 -R -t20
::sample output
693, 64, 0
-64, -64
128, 128, 211, 10, 2, 158, 184
492, 492, 2, 9, 0, 190, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
171504, 20212985, 20041481
RX Finished: SUCCESS
::CC31xx via UART
::channel 11
::show as percentage
::5 seconds testing time
::report statistics every 1 second
RadioToolCLI.exe --target=1 --port 7 /baud_rate 115200 -c11 /R -d=1 /t=5 -v
::sample output
RX Testing Started
RX Testing Started. The program will last 5 second(s) and report every 1 second(s).
54, 1, 0
-52, 0
31, 31, 0, 21, 0, 0, 2
2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 52, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
174708, 1227552, 1052844
113, 3, 0
-59, -79
48, 48, 1, 36, 0, 3, 25
25, 25, 0, 3, 0, 85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
1227567, 2222249, 994682
63, 1, 0
-54, 0
29, 29, 0, 30, 0, 0, 4
4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 59, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
2222264, 3236292, 1014028
77, 2, 0
-57, -54
33, 33, 1, 31, 5, 0, 7
7, 7, 0, 0, 0, 67, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3
3236306, 4250366, 1014060
82, 3, 0
-55, -79
35, 35, 0, 33, 0, 8, 6
6, 6, 2, 1, 5, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
4250381, 5264337, 1013956
RX Finished: SUCCESS