SWRU556 June   2021 CC3100 , CC3200


  1.   Trademarks
  2. Introduction
  3. Features
  4. Prerequisites
    1. 3.1 Software Downloads
    2. 3.2 Hardware
  5. Radio Tool Installation Directory
  6. Hardware Connections
    1. 5.1 CC31xxBOOST Plus CC31XXEMUBOOST
      1. 5.1.1 Using the UART Interface
      2. 5.1.2 Using the SPI Interface
    2. 5.2 CC32xx-LAUNCHXL
  7. Flashing the Board
  8. Running the RadioTool GUI
    1. 7.1 Set Up Tab and General Information
    2. 7.2 GUI TX Testing
    3. 7.3 GUI RX Testing
  9. Current Measurement
  10. CLI Version
  11. 10Insertion Loss Calibration
  12. 11Hardware Connections on Non-TI EVMs
  13. 12Source Code for Developers
    1. 12.1 RadioTool Application Sources
    2. 12.2 CC32xx Application Source

CLI Version

The CLI tool provides a traditional command line version of the Radio Tool. This version is especially useful when performing large-scale automated testings. The RadioToolCLI.exe application is in the Radio Tool Application directory. Use CMD or batch files to execute the commands.

Usage: RadioToolCLI -X [-P=port] [-B=baud] [-M] [-F] [-T|-R|-POW]
       RadioToolCLI [-h|--help] [-i|--info]
  -h, --help                 Shows this message
  -i, --info                 Shows RadioToolCLI and radio tool library version and information.
  -v                         increase debug message verbosity
Device Connection:
  -X, --target=TARGET        The TARGET testing device. 0:CC3120 SPI, CC3135 SPI, 1:CC3120 UART,CC3135 UART 2:CC32X0
                               UART,CC3235 UART. REQUIRED. Range: [0, 2]. Default: 1
  -P, --port=VALUE           The port number of the target testing platform.
                               Required for UART connections. Range: [0, 255].
  -B, --baud_rate=BAUD RATE  The BAUD RATE of the target COM port.
                               Required for UART connections. Range: [0, Int32.MaxValue].
  -M, --mac                  Returns the MAC address
  -C, --new_mac=VALUE        Set device MAC address WITHOUT colons. For example, if the MAC address is 01:23:45:67:89:
                               AB, enter 0123456789AB instead. Case insensitive.
  -F, --firmware             Returns the firmware version and CC32xx application version (if applicable) in the
                               following order:
                               Chip ID, ROM version, Firmware version, Host Driver version, CC32xx App version, MAC
Common for TX and RX:
  -t, --duration=DURATION    RX/TX Testing DURATION in seconds for -T and -R options. Range: [1, 65535]. Default: 1
  -c, --channel=CHANNEL      RX/TX Testing CHANNEL  for -T and -R options. Range: 2.4GHz[1, 13] 5GHz[36-169]. Default:
  -k, --enable_acks          TX ACKs enabling(For Rx mode). Default: disabled.
TX (Transmission):
  -T, --tx                   TX testing for Continuous or Packetized.
  -z, --tx_type=TX_TYPE      TX Testing TX_TYPE. 1:Continuous, 2:Packetized, 3:CW. 'tone_offset' option can be used if
                               and only if CW is chosen. Range: [1, 3]. Default: 1.
  -w, --power=POWER          TX POWER attenuation for Continuous and Packetized testing. 0 being the maximum power and
                               15 being the minimum power.Range: [0, 15]. Default: 0
  -f, --tone_offset=TONE_OFFSET
                             TX TONE_OFFSET for CW testing only. A value of N means tone at offset N*312.5kHz.
                               Range: [-25, 25]. Default: 0
  -m, --rate, --modulation=MODULATION
                             TX Testing rate (with the corresponding MODULATION). Range: [1, 20]. Default: 1 (1Mbps
                               1: 1 Mbps (DSSS)
                               2: 2 Mbps (DSSS)
                               3: 5.5 Mbps (CCK)
                               4: 11 Mbps (CCK)
                               5: NOT SUPPORTED
                               6: 6 Mbps (OFDM)
                               7: 9 Mbps (OFDM)
                               8: 12 Mbps (OFDM)
                               9: 18 Mbps (OFDM)
                               10: 24 Mbps (OFDM)
                               11: 36 Mbps (OFDM)
                               12: 48 Mbps (OFDM)
                               13: 54 Mbps (OFDM)
                               14: MCS 0
                               15: MCS 1
                               16: MCS 2
                               17: MCS 3
                               18: MCS 4
                               19: MCS 5
                               20: MCS 6
                               21: MCS 7
  -e, --preamble=VALUE       TX preamble for 802.11 rates ONLY. Long:0, Short:1. Default: Long
  -r, --pattern=VALUE        TX data pattern. See the following for the complete list. Default: 0 (All 0)
                               0: All 0
                               1: All 1
                               2: Incremental
                               3: Decremental
  -l, --packet_size=SIZE     TX Testing packet SIZE. Range: [24, 1400]. Default: 1400
  -g, --delay=VALUE          TX delay in between packets in milliseconds. Packetized TX only. Range:[100, 1,000,000].
                               Default: 100
  -n, --amount=VALUE         TX maximum number of packets. Continuous & Packetized only. Range:[0, 1,000,000]. 0 for
                               infinite amount. Default: 0
  -o, --cca_override         TX CCA override enable. Default: non-overriding.
  -s, --cca_threshold=VALUE  TX CCA threshold value. The channel is considered as occupied when signal strength is
                               above this setting. Default: 2 (-68dBm)
                               0: MIN (-88dBm)1: LOW (-78dBm)2: DEFAULT (-68dBm)3: MED (-58dBm)4: HIGH (-48dBm)5: MAX (
  -a, --dest_mac=MAC         TX destination MAC address WITHOUT colons. For example, if the MAC address is 01:23:45:67:
                               89:AB, enter 0123456789AB instead. Case insensitive. Default: 01:23:45:67:89:AB
  -y, --country_code=VALUE   TX Country Code in two ASCII characters. Letters will be converted to upper case. Options:
                                US, EU, JP. Default: US
RX (Reception):
  -R, --rx                   RX testing and retrieves statistics. The statistics will be shown as:
                               1st line: <# valid packets>, <# FCS error packets>, <# address mismatch packets>
                               2nd line: <Average RSSI in management frame>, <Average RSSI in other frames>
                               3rd line: RSSI historgram. <greater than -48dBm>, <-48dBm to -55dBm>, <-56dBm to -63dBm>
                               , <-64dBm to -71dBm>, <-72dBm to -79dBm>, <less than -79dBm>
                               4th line: Rate historgram, lowest to highest. The list order is identical to the rate/
                               modulation option.
                               5th line: Timestamps in micro-seconds: Starting time, Stats collecting time, Elapse
  -d, --report_period=N      RX statistics reporting period, every N seconds. If set to 0, RX statistics will only
                               report at the end.
                               Range: [0, 65535]. Default: 0
  -p, --report_percent       Report RX histogram in percentage format. If not set, default is in amount of packets.
Pow (Power):
      --POW, --pow=VALUE     
      --POW_CMD_LOW, --power_cmd_low=VALUE
                             Set power command.
                               1-100: Low Power time
      --POW_CMD_HIB, --power_cmd_hib=VALUE
                             Set hib command.
                               1-100: Hib Power time
Please contact TI for any question with regards to this program.

Example commands follow:

::Show the help page
RadioToolCLI.exe -h
::Show the help page
RadioToolCLI.exe --help
::Show the help page
RadioToolCLI.exe /h
::Show the Firmware version and MAC address of CC31xx via UART
RadioToolCLI.exe -X1 -P7 -B115200 -F
::TX Continuous
::CC31xx via SPI
::channel 1
::1Mbps DSSS
::max power
::packet size 1400bytes
::destination MAC address 01:23:45:67:89:AB
::infinite amount of packets
::long preamble
::all 0 pattern
::1 second testing time
RadioToolCLI.exe -X0 -T
::TX Continuous
::CC31xx via UART
::channel 1
::54Mbps OFDM
::max power
::packet size 1400bytes
::destination MAC address 01:23:45:67:89:AB
::infinite amount of packets
::long preamble
::all 0 pattern
::10 seconds testing time
RadioToolCLI.exe -X1 -P7 -B115200 -T -z1 -c1 -m13 -w0 -l1400 -a 0123456789AB -n0 -e0 -r0 -t10
::TX Packetized
::CC32xx via UART
::channel 1
::1Mbps DSSS
::max power
::packet size 512bytes
::destination MAC address EE:EE:EE:EE:0E:EE
::100ms delay
::long preamble
::incremental pattern
RadioToolCLI.exe -X2 -P7 -B115200 -T -z2 -c1 -m1 -w0 -l512 -a EEEEEEEE0EEE -n0 -e0 -r1 -t10
::CC31xx via SPI
::channel 6
::1Mbps DSSS
::-10 OFFSET (-3.125Mhz)
RadioToolCLI.exe -X0 -T -z3 -c6 -m1 -f -10 -t10
::CC31xx via UART
::channel 6
::show as number of packets
::20 seconds testing time
::only report statistics at the end
RadioToolCLI.exe -X1 -P7 -B115200 -c6 -R -t20
::sample output
693, 64, 0
-64, -64
128, 128, 211, 10, 2, 158, 184
492, 492, 2, 9, 0, 190, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
171504, 20212985, 20041481
RX Finished: SUCCESS
::CC31xx via UART
::channel 11
::show as percentage
::5 seconds testing time
::report statistics every 1 second
RadioToolCLI.exe --target=1 --port 7 /baud_rate 115200 -c11 /R -d=1 /t=5 -v
::sample output
RX Testing Started
RX Testing Started. The program will last 5 second(s) and report every 1 second(s).
54, 1, 0
-52, 0
31, 31, 0, 21, 0, 0, 2
2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 52, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
174708, 1227552, 1052844
113, 3, 0
-59, -79
48, 48, 1, 36, 0, 3, 25
25, 25, 0, 3, 0, 85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
1227567, 2222249, 994682
63, 1, 0
-54, 0
29, 29, 0, 30, 0, 0, 4
4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 59, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
2222264, 3236292, 1014028
77, 2, 0
-57, -54
33, 33, 1, 31, 5, 0, 7
7, 7, 0, 0, 0, 67, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3
3236306, 4250366, 1014060
82, 3, 0
-55, -79
35, 35, 0, 33, 0, 8, 6
6, 6, 2, 1, 5, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
4250381, 5264337, 1013956
RX Finished: SUCCESS