SWRZ072B May 2017 – December 2020 AWR1642
DMA Read from Unimplemented Address Space may Result in DMA Hang Scenario
AWR1642 ES1.0 and AWR1642 ES2.0
The MSS DMA generates a BER (Bus Error) interrupt when the DMA detects a bus error due to a read from unimplemented address space. This interrupt is available on VIM Interrupt Channel-70 for DMA1 and VIM Interrupt Channel-51 for DMA2 .This read from unimplemented address space results in a hang condition in the DMA infrastructure bridge that connects it to the main interconnect.
Implication: A DMA read from an unimplemented address can result in a DMA hang condition. In the resulting state the DMA will not respond to any further DMA requests.
The MSS CR4F processor will have to invoke a warm reset or generate an nERROR if it receives a DMA BER error.