SWRZ081 October 2019 CC2652P
Revision E and earlier
When device internal load capacitors are used with the external 48-MHz crystal, energy couples from the crystal oscillator circuit to the RF output. This coupling causes spurious emissions at N × 48 MHz from carrier frequency. This includes, but is not limited to, the frequency bands supported by the device covered by the following regulations:
When using the +20-dBm RF power amplifier
For compliance with affected standards, external load capacitors might be needed for the 48-MHz crystal to reduce spurious emissions. Internal capacitors (default 7-pF connected capacitance) must then be disconnected internally.
This workaround is implemented by defining the following symbols in the included customer configuration file (ccfg.c) available in all Software Development Kit (SDK) examples:
Revision E and earlier
When using the high-power PA at temperatures below -20°C and high output power, the PA may affect the 32-kHz crystal oscillator due to RF load impedance mismatch. In this situation the crystal oscillator will stop, and provided the clock loss detector is enabled (OSC_DIG:CTL0.CLK_LOSS_EN = 1), the device will reset. Antenna impedances outside of VSWR of 2:1 must be avoided in all operating scenarios.
Revision E and earlier
At supply voltages <2.0V, a hardware control module disables the DC/DC converter to maximize system efficiency. This module does not have enough hysteresis, causing approx 10 mV of ripple on the VDDR regulated power supply. Based on internal testing of the device, it is not anticipated that this erratum affects RF performance. However, these test results cannot ensure that a customer’s application or end equipment will not be affected.
Use the TI-provided Power driver (PowerCC26X2.c) which automatically disables the DC/DC converter when supply voltage is <2.2V.
The workaround is available in all SDK versions.
Revision E and earlier
When the PKA module is enabled and idle, the interrupt line is always high and the interrupt can thus not be used as is.
The workaround is to disable the PKA interrupt in the interrupt service routine while the PKA module is idle and re-enable the interrupt right after starting an operation.
The workaround is implemented in the TI-provided cryptography drivers (ECDHCC26X2.c, ECDSACC26X2.c, ECJPAKECC26X2.c_list.c) in the following SimpleLink software development kit (SDK) versions:
Revision E and earlier
When accessing the PKA RAM, the RAM is not byte accessible. If a single byte is accessed (read or written), 4 bytes will be accessed instead.
The workaround is to use word access (4 bytes) when accessing the PKA RAM.
The workaround is implemented in the TI-provided cryptography drivers (ECDHCC26X2.c, ECDSACC26X2.c, ECJPAKECC26X2.c_list.c) in the following SimpleLink software development kit (SDK) versions:
Revision E and earlier
The I2C.MSTAT[0] bit is not set immediately after writing to the I2C.MCTRL register. This can lead an I2C master to believe it is no longer busy and continuing to write data.
Add four NOPs between writing to the MCTRL register and polling the MSTAT register.
The workaround is implemented in the TI-provided I2C Master driver (I2CCC26XX.c) and in the I2C driver Library APIs (driverlib/i2c.c).
The workaround is available in all Software Development Kit (SDK) versions.
Revision E and earlier
The I2S module will not set the bus error interrupt flag (I2S0.IRQFLAGS.BUS_ERR) if an I2S read or write causes a system bus fault that results from access to illegal addresses (usage error).
Software must ensure that memory area used by the I2S DMA is accessible, meaning that the memory is powered on and the system bus is connected..
As an example; The TI-provided SPI driver SPICC26X2DMA.c will ensure that the flash memory is kept accessible also in Idle power mode if the transmit buffer address starts with 0x0 to ensure no bus faults occur. A similar approach needs to be taken if writing a peripheral driver utilizing I2S.
Revision E and earlier
Configurations Affected:
This erratum only affects systems where writeable memory locations can exhibit more than one wait state (system SRAM do not have wait states).
The Arm®Cortex®-M4 processor includes a write buffer that permits execution to continue while a store is waiting on the bus. Under specific timing conditions, during an exception return while this buffer is still in use by a store instruction, a late change in selection of the next interrupt to be taken might result in a mismatch between the interrupt acknowledged by the interrupt controller and the vector fetched by the processor.
STR/STRH/STRB <Rt>, [<Rn>,#imm]
STR/STRH/STRB <Rt>, [<Rn>,#imm]!
STR/STRH/STRB <Rt>, [<Rn>,#imm]
The processor should execute interrupt handler C, and on completion of handler C the processor should execute the handler for B. If the previously listed conditions are met, then this erratum results in the processor erroneously clearing the pending state of interrupt C, and then twice executing the handler for B. The first time the handler for B is executed it will be at the priority level for interrupt C. If interrupt C is pended by a level-based interrupt that is cleared by C's handler then interrupt C will be pended again after the handler for B has completed and the handler for C will be executed. If interrupt C is level based, then this interrupt will eventually become re-pending and subsequently be handled. If interrupt C is a single pulse interrupt, there is a possibility that this interrupt will be lost.
This bug is triggered in a rare condition. In cases where STORE experiences more than 2 wait cycles, workarounds must be used by the software developer.
Software not using the Memory Protection Unit (MPU):
For software not using the Memory Protection Unit (MPU), the workaround can be to disable CPU write buffering (register CPU_SCS.ACTLR.DISDEFWBUF) at the cost of significantly reduced execution speed.
All other cases (recommended workaround):
Ensure a DSB instruction occurs between the store and the BX instruction. For exception handlers written in C, this can be achieved by inserting the appropriate set of intrinsics or inline assembly just before the end of the interrupt function, for example:
__schedule_barrier(); __asm{DSB}; __schedule_barrier(); }
__asm volatile (“dsb 0xf” ::: “memory”); }
The workaround for this bug will not be added automatically by the compiler.
Revision E and earlier
An interrupt occurring during the data-phase of a single word load to the stack-pointer (SP/R13) can cause an erroneous behavior of the device. In all cases, returning from the interrupt will result in the load instruction being executed an additional time. For all instructions performing an update to the base register, the base register will be erroneously updated on each execution, resulting in the stack-pointer being loaded from an incorrect memory location.
The affected instructions that can result in the load transaction being repeated are:
The affected instructions that can result in the stack-pointer being loaded from an incorrect memory address are:
Unless the load is being performed to device memory or strongly-ordered memory, there should be no implications from the repetition of the load.
Most compilers ensure this bug is not triggered by not emitting the affected instruction sequence and not using the instructions in the compiler runtime libraries. This includes:
A workaround for both issues can be implemented by replacing the direct load to the stack-pointer, with an intermediate load to a general-purpose register followed by a move to the stack-pointer.
If repeated reads are acceptable, then the base register update issue may be worked around by performing the stack-pointer load without the base increment followed by a subsequent ADD or SUB instruction to perform the appropriate update to the base register.
Revision E and earlier
On the Arm® Cortex®-M4F processor, the VDIV and VSQRT instructions take 14 cycles to execute. When an interrupt is taken a VDIV or VSQRT instruction is not terminated, and completes its execution while the interrupt stacking occurs. If lazy context save of floating point state is enabled then the automatic stacking of the floating point context does not occur until a floating point instruction is executed inside the interrupt service routine.
Lazy context save is enabled by default. When it is enabled, the minimum time for the first instruction in the interrupt service routine to start executing is 12 cycles. In certain timing conditions, and if there is only one or two instructions inside the interrupt service routine, then the VDIV or VSQRT instruction might not write its result to the register bank or to the FPSCR.
A minimum of 12 of these 14 cycles are utilized for the context state stacking, which leaves 2 cycles for instructions inside the interrupt service routine, or 2 wait states applied to the entire stacking sequence (which means that it is not a constant wait state for every access).
In general this means that if the memory system inserts wait states for stack transactions then this erratum cannot be observed.
The VDIV or VQSRT instruction does not complete correctly and the register bank and FPSCR are not updated, meaning that these registers hold incorrect, out of date, data.
For hand-written assembly code inside interrupt routines, this erratum should be considered.
A workaround is only required if the floating point unit is present and enabled. A workaround is not required if the memory system inserts one or more wait states to every stack transaction.
When using TI-RTOS interrupts, all interrupt service routines will contain more than the 2 instructions and no workaround is required.
In all other cases, one of the following two workarounds must be implemented:
Workaround 1: Disable lazy context save of floating point state by clearing LSPEN to 0 (bit 30 of the FPCCR at address 0xE000EF34).
Workaround 2: Ensure that every interrupt service routine contains more than 2 instructions in addition to the exception return instruction.
Revision E and earlier
One of the following two workarounds must be implemented:
Workaround 1: Do not use a divided down system CPU clock. In general, power savings are maximized by completing a task at full clock speed and then stopping the system CPU entirely after the task is complete.
Workaround 2: Read the system CPU division factor from the PRCM.CPUCLKDIV.RATIO register and compensate the TENMS field in software based on this value.
TI-provided drivers do not offer any functionality to divide the system CPU clock.
Revision E and earlier
For the conditions given below, the device will boot into and execute the ROM serial bootloader when waking up from Shutdown power mode. Intended behavior is to execute the application image. The prerequisites for this erratum to happen are:
With the above prerequisites, the bootloader will be entered in the following cases:
Please refer to the ICEMelter chapter in the CC13x2, CC26x2 SimpleLink™ Wireless MCU Technical Reference Manual for details on how noise entering the JTAG TCK pin can wake up the device
One of the following workarounds must be implemented:
Revision E and earlier