SWRZ101B December 2021 – December 2023 AM2732 , AM2732-Q1
Race condition in interrupt and error aggregator capture registers resulting in events miss
Potential race condition in capture registers resulting in events getting lost while other events in the same register are being cleared by writing to the register. Following registers are impacted by this issue:
Follow below steps in ISR:
1) Before exiting the ISR read the *_ERRAGG_RAW and check the bit-validity by "anding" with *_ERRAGG_MASK.
2) If any bit is set that-implies there is a interrupt/Error which got missed while clearing the *_ERRAGG_STATUS.
3) Service the corresponding bit in ISR and then exit the ISR. So ISR should be exited after both STATUS and "RAW&MASK" are zero