SWRZ162 May   2024 IWR2944


  1.   1
  2. 1Introduction
  3. 2Device Nomenclature
  4. 3Device Markings
  5. 4Advisory to Silicon Variant / Revision Map
  6. 5Known Design Exceptions to Functional Specifications
    1.     MSS#25
    2.     MSS#27
    3.     MSS#28
    4.     MSS#29
    5.     MSS#30
    6.     MSS#33
    7.     MSS#40
    8. 5.1  MSS#46
    9. 5.2  MSS#48
    10. 5.3  MSS#49
    11. 5.4  MSS#52
    12. 5.5  MSS#53
    13. 5.6  MSS#54
    14. 5.7  MSS#55
    15. 5.8  MSS#56
    16. 5.9  MSS#57
    17. 5.10 MSS#58
    18. 5.11 MSS#59
    19. 5.12 MSS#60
    20. 5.13 MSS#61
    21. 5.14 MSS#62
    22. 5.15 ANA#12A
    23.     ANA#32A
    24.     ANA#33A
    25.     ANA#34A
    26.     ANA#35A
    27.     ANA#36
    28.     ANA#37A
    29.     ANA#38A
    30.     ANA#39
    31.     ANA#43
    32.     ANA#44
    33.     ANA#45
    34.     ANA#46
    35.     ANA#47
  7.   Trademarks
  8. 6Revision History


Measurement Data Output (MDO) software marker inserted at FIFO threshold location other than for Sniffer 0 is not sent out and is bound to get missed.

Revisions Affected

IWR2944ES1.0 Only


Measurement Data Output (MDO) is used to capture the transactions on the bus connected from different interfaces of the IWR2944 device and transmit outside over LVDS (4-data lanes). MDO is comprised of a sniffer, FIFO, and an aggregator. The corresponding sniffer module sniffs a bus interface and accumulates data in the FIFO. When a FIFO threshold is reached, the data is sent out to the aggregator as a burst transfer.

An MDO source can also inject a marker indicator along with its data for tracking or other related purpose. Now, if a marker is inserted such that it is a part of the last element of the FIFO threshold location, it is bound to get missed.

This happens only when a sniffer other than Sniffer 0 is used for transfer.


The following two workarounds can be used to ensure the inserted maker is registered without fail :

  1. Multiple back to back markers (>1) can be sent out by the user to ensure at least one of them is registered by the receiver.
  2. The same sniffer configurations should be programmed to Sniffer 0 registers. This way the markers would be sent out and registered by the receiver.
    This workaround is only beneficial where Sniffer 0 is not in use and is idle for replicating other sniffer configurations.
Note: The above workarounds are only required when using markers in operation. There are no restrictions on the sniffers when markers are not in use.