TIDT193 August   2020  – MONTH 


  1.   Description
  2. 1Test Prerequisites
    1. 1.1 Voltage and Current Requirements
    2. 1.2 Required Equipment
  3. 2Testing and Results
    1. 2.1 Thermal Images
    2. 2.2 Efficiency and Power Dissipation graphs
    3. 2.3 Efficiency and Power Dissipation Data
    4. 2.4 Voltage Regulation
  4. 3Waveforms
    1. 3.1 Start-up
    2. 3.2 Switch Node
    3. 3.3 Output Voltage Ripple
    4. 3.4 Load Transients
    5. 3.5 Short-Circuit Recovery Response
    6. 3.6 Input Voltage Transient Response

Efficiency and Power Dissipation graphs

The following figure displays the efficiency and power dissipation of the converter at input voltages of 30 VDC, 60 VDC, 90 VDC and 120 VDC.

GUID-20200728-CA0I-B6HJ-GFHS-D205THJWW1R8-low.jpgFigure 2-5 PMP22487 Efficiency, VOUT = 14 V.