TIDT333 may   2023


  1.   Description
  2.   Features
  3.   Applications
  4. 1Test Prerequisites
    1. 1.1 Voltage and Current Requirements
    2. 1.2 Input and Output Signals
  5. 2Testing and Results
    1. 2.1 Efficiency Graphs
    2. 2.2 Efficiency Data
    3. 2.3 Thermal Images
    4. 2.4 Bode Plots
  6. 3Waveforms
    1. 3.1 Switching
    2. 3.2 Output Voltage Ripple
    3. 3.3 Short-Circuit Protection
    4. 3.4 Load Transients
    5. 3.5 Start-Up

Thermal Images

All images captured with the unit under test (UUT) enclosed in a 30 m × 45 cm × 20 cm Plexiglas box, 25ºC ambient, after a 30-minute warm up, and no forced airflow. The unit was tested with a 5-A load and at various input voltages. Black electrical tap was placed on top of U for increased emissivity.

Reference Designator Description 50 VIN Maximum Temperature (°C) 100 VIN Maximum Temperature (°C) 150 VIN Maximum Temperature (°C)
Q1 and Q2 High-side FETs 69.8 92.1 116.4
Q3 and Q4 Low-side FETs 63.7 82.9 82.9
U2 TPS7H5001-SP controller 42.5 49.9 56.1
U1 MOSFET driver 53.5 64.5 75.0
L1 Output inductor 43.4 52.5 60.1
U3 INA901-SP current sense amplifier 45.7 56.5 66.2
U4 LM117H linear regulator 60.6 65.6 69.1
GUID-20230427-SS0I-GTV3-F18H-WCBZXJFSLV2T-low.jpgFigure 2-3 Thermal Image, 50 VIN
GUID-20230427-SS0I-LMK5-K3KW-KLD99SPXW7WC-low.jpgFigure 2-5 Thermal Image, 150 VIN
GUID-20230427-SS0I-QCHM-Z9C5-8ZCCPK30KDQP-low.jpgFigure 2-4 Thermal Image, 100 VIN