TIDUBE1D January 2016 – August 2024
The UCC28180 is a CCM controller; however, if the chosen inductor allows a relatively high ripple current, the converter becomes forced to operate in discontinuous mode (DCM) at light loads and at the higher input voltage range. High-inductor ripple current affects the CCM/DCM boundary and results in a higher light-load THD. This type of current also affects the choices for the input capacitor, RSENSE, and CICOMP values. Allowing an inductor ripple current, ΔIRIPPLE, of 20% or less enables the converter to operate in CCM over the majority of the operating range. However, this low-inductor ripple current requires a boost inductor that has a higher inductance value, and the inductor itself is physically large. This design takes certain measures to optimize performance with size and cost. The inductor is sized to have a 40% peak-to-peak ripple current with a focus on minimizing space and the knowledge that the converter operates in DCM at the higher input voltages and at light loads; however, the converter is well optimized for a nominal input voltage of 230-V AC at the full load.
Calculate the minimum value of the duty cycle, DMIN, as Equation 5 shows:
Based upon the allowable inductor ripple current of 40%, the PFC choke inductor, LBST, is selected after determining the maximum inductor peak current, IPK, as Equation 6 shows:
Calculate the minimum value of the c, LMIN, based upon the acceptable ripple current, IRIPPLE, as Equation 7 shows:
The actual value of the PFC choke inductor used is LMIN = 180 μH