TIDUCT9A January   2017  – March 2020


  1.   Revision History

Debug Environment Windows

It is standard debug practice to watch local and global variables while debugging code. There are various methods for doing this in CCs, such as memory windows and watch windows. Additionally, CCS has the ability to make time (and frequency) domain plots, which allows the user to view waveforms using graph windows.

  1. Populate the Expressions Window entries by clicking on ViewScripting console on the menu bar and then opening the setupdebugenv_lab2.js file from the project directory using the scripting console Open File (TIDM-1001 tidm-1001-for-sections- ) command. The Expressions Window should look like Figure 29.
  2. TIDM-1001 Lab2Expressions.pngFigure 29. Lab Two: Expressions Window at Reset

Table 5. Lab 2 Description of Expressions Window Entries

LLC_buildLevel Shows which lab is loaded.
LLC_startFlag Set this variable to 1 to start the power stage.
LLC_vPri_Volts Input voltage in Volts. Only valid if jumper J15 is populated on the TIDM-1001 board.
LLC_iPri_PH1_Amps The primary tank current in phase 1 in Amps.
LLC_iPri_PH2_Amps The primary tank current in phase 2 in Amps.
LLC_iSec_Amps Secondary (output) current in Amps.
LLC_vSecRef_debug_Volts This variable allows the user to set the desired regulation voltage.